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G&A Nigeria Surveillance also offers their remote video monitoring service – CONSTANT MONITORING. With remote video monitoring, operators are standing by around the clock, monitoring your cameras from their state of the art Command Center located in Dallas, Houston, Lagos and Abuja, Nigeria. Some customers utilize the service only during off-hours.

The center is staffed with trained, licensed operators who are ready to respond to a crisis situation, communicate with law enforcement and ultimately catch criminals. When there is a breach, your security cameras transmit directly to G&A Surveillance Nigeria’s Command Center via an encrypted high-speed link. An alarm will sound when motion detected from each camera. G&A Operators will determine if there is an actual crime and then contact local law enforcement and property manager within seconds of the criminal being detected. Sophisticated artificial intelligence detects humans. 

G&A Surveillance Nigeria installs high-resolution cameras to provide an accurate description of the criminal along with video clips and still images that assist police (admissible in a court of law). Video of these events is stored in G&A Surveillance Nigeria’s data center for a year, ensuring that the evidence is always available. The Command Center eliminates false alarms, eliminating the waste of local resources and potential fines. Laws are being mandated that Police will not respond unless you have visual verification. With traditional alarm systems, 98% of all alarms in the U.S. are false! If you are spending money on security guards, let G&A Surveillance Nigeria help.  G&A Surveillance Nigeria can manage your security department for a fraction of what you are paying now. With your help let’s cut down on crime.